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Quantifying the compound hazard: Freezing rain-icing-wind gusts (FZG) RGMA MSD
Urban Impacts on Deep Convection RGMA MSD
Wind Energy Contributions to Net Zero RGMA MSD
Investigating the drivers of pan-Arctic water storage change with multi-source remote sensing data ESMD RGMA
A new autoregressive model of air-sea CO2 exchange RGMA
Teleconnection drivers for Antarctic atmospheric rivers in E3SMv2 and CESM2 RGMA
Tracking carbon dioxide in the Southern Ocean RGMA
Low-likelihood high impact snowmelt events: rain-on-snow and snow-eater heatwaves RGMA MSD
The role of atmospheric rivers (ARs) in the moisture and energy budget of the Arctic RGMA
Future Heat Exposure and Precipitation Projections over the Great Lakes Region RGMA
Increasing hurricane outer size in the western North Atlantic ESMD RGMA MSD
Analyzing storylines of extreme precipitation associated with Hurricane Ida RGMA MSD
Modes and Mechanisms of Pacific Decadal-Scale Variability RGMA
UXarray: Python package for the analysis and visualization of model output on unstructured climate grids RGMA
The regionally refined model of E3SM: overview and extremes applications ESMD RGMA
Drivers of Low-frequency Variability of Ocean Heat Content on the U.S. Northeast Shelf RGMA
flat10MIP: A CO2 emissions-driven experiment to diagnose the climate response to positive, zero, and negative CO2 emissions RGMA
Warming Permafrost Model Intercomparison Project (WrPMIP) RGMA
Is sea surface salinity the missing subseasonal predictor for U.S. summertime precipitation? RGMA
Integrated fluvial-pluvial-coastal flood modeling in coastal urban regions ESMD RGMA MSD
Identifying and Correcting Regional Climate Bias in Reanalysis Forcing Products for Site-level WrPMIP Simulations RGMA
CMIP7 the next phase: ongoing status and planning RGMA
The Indian Ocean-Maritime Continent Regionally Refined SCREAM Configuration for MJO studies RGMA
Advancing Earth System Modeling using AI/ML RGMA
Observational assessments of low-likelihood, high-impact heatwaves in the historical record RGMA
Use of machine learning to investigate soil carbon storage and dynamics RGMA
Importance of Local Processes and Feedbacks in Modeling a Changing Arctic Climate System RGMA
Moisture transport into the Arctic revealed by numerical water tracers in E3SMv2 RGMA
Reducing Uncertainty in Estimates of the Biological Production of the Arctic Ocean RGMA
Accelerating modeling and discovery with data science and machine learning in Arctic environments ESMD RGMA

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