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Constraining cloud feedbacks and the pattern effect using Perturbed Parameters Ensembles. RGMA
Coastal and Urban Flooding – Integrated Data-Driven Modeling with AI/ML to Address the Grand Challenge RGMA
Global co-occurring features and their contributions to total and extreme precipitation RGMA
Buoyancy-precipitation coupling in the life cycle of tropical mesoscale convective systems RGMA
E3SM’s Sensitivity to Ocean Heat Transport Strengths: A Slab Ocean Model Study RGMA
The State of Polar Climate in E3SM ESMD
Arctic Cyclones and Its Driving Role in the Rapidly Changing Arctic Climate System RGMA
Simulating marine biogeochemistry and potential climate feedbacks with a next-generation ecosystem model ESMD
Vertical structure of fronts and atmospheric rivers in the Energy Exascale Earth system model (E3SM) RGMA
Marine Biogeochemistry Capabilities for E3SM Version 3 Simulations ESMD
Projected changes in inter-regional simultaneity of megafires in the Western US based on NA-CORDEX regional climate simulations RGMA
Connecting Global Extreme Rainfall and Flooding Using Observations and Machine Learning to Assess the Validity and Application of Climate Models at Varying Resolutions RGMA
Observational assessments of low-likelihood, high-impact heatwaves in the historical record RGMA
Climatological characteristics of derechos and their responses to global warming RGMA
Advancing Earth System Modeling using AI/ML RGMA
Environmental controls on MCS lifetime rainfall over tropical oceans RGMA
Improving the Simulation of Tropical Precipitation in E3SMv3 through Enhancement of Convection Parameterization ESMD
Use of machine learning to investigate soil carbon storage and dynamics RGMA
Interactive soil moisture dries the land under anthropogenic warming RGMA
The modeling of critical mineral demand and supply in energy system evolution MSD
The E3SMv2.1 Seasonal-to-Multiyear Large Ensemble forecast system: A Comparative Global Skill Assessment RGMA
Advancing Modeling and Understanding of Hydroclimate Extremes in the Puget Sound Coastal Region ESMD RGMA MSD
Tropical subseasonal convection representation in E3SM versions 2 and 3 RGMA
Quantifying global photosynthesis and CO2 fertilization with machine learning and eddy covariance measurements RGMA
Land carbon sink uncertainty under climate change: Towards an emissions-driven coupled perturbed parameter mini-ensemble with CESM RGMA
Recommendations for Diagnosing Cloud Feedbacks Using Cloud Radiative Kernels RGMA
Methodological Developments in the International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) Effort RGMA
MOSART-DOC: a new large-scale riverine dissolved organic carbon model and its application over the United States ESMD
An Comprehensive Understanding of the Effects of Two Missing Longwave Physics on the Climate and Its Projected Changes Simulated by the E3SM v2 ESMD
Evaluating the influences of population growth, urban morphology evolution, and expansion of reuse on water supply reliability in Los Angeles County MSD

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