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Improving the representation of ultra-fine aerosols in the E3SM atmosphere model ESMD
Global evaluation of ELM v1 and the role of the phosphorus cycle and non-structural carbon in the historical terrestrial carbon balance ESMD RGMA
Quantifying the drivers and predictability of seasonal changes in African fire ESMD RGMA
Evaluation of a new interactive stratospheric ozone model for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model ESMD
Representation of Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in CMIP6 Models ESMD RGMA
A Quest to Understand and Model Regional Precipitation and Their Future Changes ESMD RGMA
Towards task-based implementation of MPAS-Ocean simulation code. ESMD
More Bang for your Buck: Where technical investments in Earth System Models have the greatest promise for payoff ESMD RGMA -
Recent performance improvements in DOE E3SM fully coupled model ESMD
Sensitivity of the E3SM Microphysics Model to Process Coupling Time Step Sizes ESMD
Diagnosing and Addressing Numerical Noise by Improving Spatial Discretizations in CLUBB ESMD
Extreme supersaturation in CESM2 and E3SM simulations: sensitivity to step time-stepping and impact on model climate ESMD
Advances in the representation of suitability and protection in global land data systems. ESMD MSD
Modeling Bioenergy Crops in the E3SM Land Model ESMD
ICOM - Integrated Coastal Modeling ESMD RGMA Presentation
Monsoon Extremes: Impacts, Metrics, and Synoptic-Scale ESMD Presentation
The DOE E3SM Coupled Model v1.1 Biogeochemistry Configuration and Coupled Carbon-Climate Experiments ESMD
Characterizing interactions between human and Earth systems (Invited) ESMD
A New Convective Trigger for Better Capturing the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Weather and Climate Models: Observational Evidence and Modeling Results ESMD RGMA
Global Stream Temperature Simulation and Affected Ecosystem Factors Analysis with an Earth System Modeling Approach ESMD
Quantifying the Amazon Water Cycle Using Atmosphere, Land and Ocean Data ESMD
Reconciling differences between large-eddy simulations and Doppler-lidar observations of continental shallow cumulus cloud-base vertical velocity ESMD
A substantial role of soil erosion in the land carbon sink and its future changes ESMD
Evaluation of dust emission and transport simulated by global climate models with satellite observations from CALIOP, MODIS, and MISR ESMD
Using Dynamic Vegetation Modeling to Explore Boreal Forest Canopy-cover Shifts Under Water Stress and Changing Climate ESMD
A Round Earth for Climate Models: Solar Heating Rates Errors Caused by Lack of Sphericity, Refraction, and a Spherical Hydrostatic Atmosphere ESMD
Evaluating the surface mass balance from E3SM with LIVVkit 3.0 ESMD
Relationships between secondary organic aerosol and physical properties of submicron particles over the Sao Paulo macro metropolis, Brazil ESMD
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Index and its Application to the South African Development Community ESMD
Impacts of ice-shelf melting on water mass transformation in the Southern Ocean from E3SM simulations ESMD

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