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Title Date
Disentangling the Changing Nature of Water Quality, Availability, and Equity in the United States MSD
Tropical Cyclone Asymmetry and Wind Shear Interactions Under Global Warming in a Variable-Resolution Climate Model RGMA MSD -
Contribution of Changes in Temperature Mean, Variability and Persistence to Heat Wave Occurrence in Urban Environments MSD -
Landfalling Tropical Cyclones: Directly Simulated vs. Statistically-Dynamically Downscaled RGMA MSD -
Understanding Wind-Wave-Current Coupling on Hurricane Intensity and Coastal Impacts ESMD RGMA MSD -
Precipitation hazards viewed through "grey swan" tropical cyclones simulated by 3km Earth system models (Invited) RGMA MSD -
Economic and Operational Reliability Benefits of Wave Energy Integration in the U.S. Western Interconnection MSD -
Deriving Distributed Parameters to Improve Community Land Model Version 5 Hydrological Predictions MSD -
SCS-PDM+ - A New Daily Runoff Generation Model MSD -
Future Patterns of US Agricultural Land Use under Multiple Stressors MSD
Application of Scenario Discovery Techniques to Probabilistic Ensembles in Exploration of Energy Futures MSD -
Future Patterns of US Agricultural Land Use under Multiple Stressors MSD -
Unveiling the impacts of mineral supply availability on power sector transition MSD -
Crop Planting Date Trends and Drivers in the US Corn Belt MSD -
Advancing Global Hydrological Models with a Novel Approach to Global Lake Modeling MSD -
Two Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns are Associated with Short-Duration Dry Spells in the Northeastern United States ESMD RGMA MSD -
Converging on the Climate Driven Wildfire Risks of the Wildland Urban Interface RGMA MSD -
Changes in four decades of near-CONUS tropical cyclones in an ensemble of 12km thermodynamic global warming simulations RGMA MSD -
Midwinter Dry Spells Amplify Post-Fire Snowpack Decline RGMA MSD -
Foresight – Global Change Analytics: Communicating Complex Science Through Interactive Dashboards MSD -
A Domain-Informed, Data-Driven Approach to Streamflow Generation and Water Allocations MSD -
How Might Historical Record Droughts in Texas Evolve and Impact Water Resources in a Warming Future? MSD -
How do Downscaling and Bias-Correction Alter the Uncertainty Decomposition of Future Climate Projections? MSD -
Advancing Complex Human-Earth Systems Science through Natural Language Processing, Graph Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence MSD
Exploring the Role of Future Reservoir Storage Expansion on the Evolution of Multi-Sector Systems Globally MSD -
Future Pathways of U.S. Nuclear Power Buildout Under Socioeconomic and Climate Scenarios MSD -
How to not miss the forests for the trees: Implementing a dynamic forest harvest model in a global multisector dynamics model under alternative scenarios. MSD -
statemodify: a Python framework to facilitate accessible exploratory modeling for water systems planning and management in Colorado MSD -
Bridging the gap from evidence to projections: Assessing the influence of equilibrium climate sensitivity uncertainty on probabilistic temperature projections MSD -
A comprehensive assessment of high-resolution gridded observational meteorological datasets for use in multi-sector impact analyses RGMA MSD -

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