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Project: Calibrated and Systematic Characterization, Attribution, and Detection of Extremes (CASCADE)
Title Date
Detection and Attribution of Regional Precipitation Change with Granger Causality: Overcoming Limited Observations, Modeling Uncertainty, and Large Internal Variability RGMA
Impacts of end of century climate extremes on California hydrology RGMA
The Shifting Scales of Western US Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers Under Climate Change RGMA MSD
Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the second phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) RGMA
Probabilistic Detection of Atmospheric Rivers Across Climate Datasets and Resolutions with Neural Networks RGMA
Uncertainties in Atmospheric River Life Cycles by Detection Algorithms: Climatology and Variability RGMA
Uncertainty in Current and Projected Atmospheric Rivers: A Call for Process-Oriented Constraints on AR Detection RGMA
The role of atmospheric rivers on groundwater RGMA
Sources of Subseasonal-to-seasonal Predictability of Atmospheric Rivers and Precipitation in the Western United States RGMA
The impact of the Moisture-Entrainment-Convection feedback on Spontaneous TC genesis RGMA
A Vertically Resolved Moist Static Energy Framework Highlights the Role of the Boundary Layer in Convective Self-Aggregation RGMA
Quantitative Precipitation Estimation of Extremes over the Continental United States with Radar Data RGMA
High-Resolution Detection and Attribution for Extreme Precipitation over the Contiguous United States RGMA
Could the Large-Scale Circulation Affect Extreme Rainfall? Comparison of Models with Parameterized Convection, Superparameterization and Cloud-Resolved Self-Aggregation RGMA
Assessing Changes in Tropical Cyclone Genesis under Varying Climate Scenarios RGMA
Historical Relationships Between Climate Forcings and Observed Extreme Precipitation RGMA
Size of the atmospheric blocking events: A scaling law and response to climate change RGMA
The Longitude of Tropical Pacific Deep Convection: A Perspective on ENSO Diversity and Implications for Western US Hydroclimate RGMA
Contrasting ITCZ changes over recent decades and under anthropogenic warming: causes and impacts RGMA
Spontaneous Tropical Cyclogenesis without Radiative and Surface-Flux Feedbacks. RGMA
High Latitude Water Vapor in CMIP6 models (Invited) RGMA
Probabilistic AR Detection for Understanding Western Coastal Hydroclimate RGMA
A Topology-Based Approach To Characterization and Detection of Weather Patterns in Climate Model Output: Application to Atmospheric Blocking Events RGMA
Deep Learning recognizes climate and weather patterns and emulates complex processes critical to the modeling of Earth's climate RGMA
Probabilistic Detection of Extreme Weather Using Deep Learning Methods RGMA
Exascale Deep Learning for Climate Science RGMA
How strong is the relationship between the large-scale environment and tropical cyclone climatology in climate models? RGMA
ClimateNet: bringing the power of Deep Learning to the climate community via open datasets and architectures RGMA
Remote sensing and regression analysis of impacts from Hurricane Maria on forest of Puerto Rico RGMA
Using a statistical tropical cyclone genesis model for assessing differences in climate scenarios and geographic basins RGMA

Showing 61 - 90 of 133