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Quantifying the Upscale Effects of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Implications to Model Biases in Large-Scale Circulation RGMA
Variable-resolution Aquaplanet Simulations with the Grell-Freitas Deep Convection Scheme Implemented in CAM-MPAS RGMA
Tropical Cyclones in High-Resolution Community Atmosphere Model version 5: Evaluation for Western North Pacific RGMA
Multivariate Metrics to Quantify Co-occurring Extremes Resulting from the Dipole Circulation Pattern RGMA
Microphysical Sensitivity of Superparameterized Precipitation Extremes in the Continental US Due to Feedbacks on Large-scale Circulation RGMA
Impacts on Maize and Wheat Crops of Alternative Warming Scenarios RGMA
Linking models of human behaviour and climate alters projected climate change ESMD RGMA
Impacts of domestic and foreign emissions on decadal variations of aerosols and radiative forcing in China and US RGMA
Comparing Dynamically Downscaled Regional Climate Models Using a Low-Level Jet Metric RGMA
Extreme Sub-daily Winter Precipitation vs. Model Resolution in the Upper Mississippi River Valley RGMA
Validating machine learning hypothesis about soil thickness impacts on hydrologic fluxes using a process-based surface-subsurface model RGMA
The Importance of Considering Sub-grid Cloud Variability When Using Satellite Observations to Evaluate the Cloud and Precipitation Simulations in Climate Models RGMA
Surface temperature variation induced by the LAI change in Arctic Tundra RGMA
Towards Generative Deep Learning Emulators for Fast Hydroclimate Simulations RGMA
Forced changes in temperature and precipitation and their influences on global changes in vegetation distributions or aridity ESMD RGMA
Examining the role of atmosphere-ocean interactions and ocean circulation changes in the Arctic sea ice response to CO2 forcing RGMA
Chance Rather than Trends in the Unusual 2017 California Wet Season RGMA
Can the Salt Advection Feedback Be Detected in Internal Variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation? RGMA
Weather Extremes that Impact Various Agricultural Commodities: A Search for Better Metrics RGMA
Deep Learning recognizes weather and climate patterns RGMA
Improving representation of deforestation effects on evapotranspiration in the global E3SM land model ESMD RGMA
Probabilistic detection of extreme weather using deep learning methods RGMA
Long range vs marine sources of aerosols and their effects upon landfalling atmospheric rivers in California RGMA
Separating Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainties of Time Series Deep Learning Models for Soil Moisture Predictions RGMA
Landscape structure and heterogeneity controls on ecohydrological processes in Arctic tundra ecosystem RGMA
Decision-relevant metrics for regional hydroclimate phenomena RGMA
Oceanic drivers for tropical terrestrial carbon cycle and extreme RGMA
Detecting climate change impacts on North Atlantic hurricane precipitation and size in a high-resolution climate model RGMA
Subgrid Variations of the Cloud Water and Droplet Number Concentration Over Tropical Ocean: Satellite Observations and Implications for Warm Rain Simulation in Climate Models RGMA
Irreducible Uncertainties and Persistence in Sea Level Variations RGMA

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