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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Southern Ocean polynyas and dense water formation in a high-resolution, coupled Earth system model ESMD Journal Article Jeong, Hyein
Differentiable modelling to unify machine learning and physical models for geosciences RGMA MSD Journal Article Shen, Chaopeng Pennsylvania State University
Contributions to regional precipitation change and its polar-amplified pattern under warming RGMA Journal Article Bonan, David California Institute of Technology (CalTech)
Dichotomy between freshwater and heat flux effects on oceanic conveyor belt stability and global climate RGMA Journal Article Hu, Aixue National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Modulation of Tropical Cyclone Tracks and Rainfall by the North Atlantic Oscillation RGMA Journal Article Mazza, Edoardo University of Washington
A differentiable, physics-informed ecosystem modeling and learning framework for large-scale inverse problems: demonstration with photosynthesis simulations RGMA Journal Article Aboelyazeed, Doaa Pennsylvania State University
Assessing Clouds Using Satellite Observations Through Three Generations of Global Atmosphere Models RGMA Journal Article Medeiros, Brian National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
CERESMIP: a climate modeling protocol to investigate recent trends in the Earth's Energy Imbalance RGMA Journal Article Schmidt, Gavin A. NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)
Insights on Simulating Summer Warming of the Great Lakes: Understanding the Behavior of a Newly Developed Coupled Lake‐Atmosphere Modeling System ESMD Journal Article Kayastha, Miraj B. Michigan Technological University
Extension of Large Fire Emissions From Summer to Autumn and its Drivers in the Western US RGMA MSD Journal Article Wang, S. S.‐C. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Structural model choices regularly overshadow parametric uncertainty in agent-based simulations of household flood risk outcomes MSD Journal Article Yoon, Jim Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Scale‐Dependent Influence of Permafrost on Riverbank Erosion Rates RGMA Journal Article Rowland, Joel C. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Recent streamflow trends across permafrost basins of North America RGMA Journal Article Bennett, Katrina E. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
A warming-induced reduction in snow fraction amplifies rainfall extremes RGMA Journal Article Ombadi, Mohammed Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Towards understanding the robust strengthening of ENSO and more frequent extreme El Niño events in CMIP6 global warming simulations RGMA Journal Article Heede, Ulla K. Yale University
Modulation of Polar Low Activity by the Madden‐Julian Oscillation RGMA Journal Article Wang, Zhuo University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign Urbana IL USA
Biome-scale temperature sensitivity of ecosystem respiration revealed by atmospheric CO2 observations RGMA Journal Article Sun, Wu Carnegie Institution for Science
An investigation into the effects of border carbon adjustments on the Canadian economy MSD Technical Report Chen, Y.-H. Henry Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Evaluating the Simulation of CONUS Precipitation by Storm Type in E3SM RGMA Journal Article Reed, K. A. Stony Brook University
Modeling Annual Electricity Production and Levelized Cost of Energy from the US East Coast Offshore Wind Energy Lease Areas RGMA MSD Journal Article Barthelmie, Rebecca J. Cornell University
Observational Constraints on the Cloud Feedback Pattern Effect RGMA Journal Article Myers, Timothy A. University of Colorado - Boulder
Rapidly evolving aerosol emissions are a dangerous omission from near-term climate risk assessments RGMA Journal Article Persad, G University of Texas at Austin
Global tropical cyclone precipitation scaling with sea surface temperature RGMA MSD Journal Article Stansfield, Alyssa M. Stony Brook University
ENSO Diversity and the Simulation of its Teleconnections to Winter Precipitation Extremes Over the US in High Resolution Earth System Models ESMD Journal Article Mahajan, Salil Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Residential segregation and outdoor urban moist heat stress disparities in the United States RGMA Journal Article Chakraborty, TC Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Global fire modelling and control attributions based on the ensemble machine learning and satellite observations RGMA Journal Article Zhang, Yulong Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A research agenda for the science of actionable knowledge: Drawing from a review of the most misguided to the most enlightened claims in the science-policy interface literature RGMA MSD Journal Article Jagannathan, Kripa Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Technical descriptions of the experimental dynamical downscaling simulations over North America by the CAM–MPAS variable-resolution model RGMA MSD Journal Article Sakaguchi , Koichi Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Influence of monsoon low pressure systems on South Asian disasters and implications for disaster prediction RGMA Journal Article Suhas, D. L. University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
FEOTS v0.0.0: a new offline code for the fast equilibration of tracers in the ocean RGMA Journal Article Schoonover, Joseph Fluid Numerics LLC

Showing 211 - 240 of 2075