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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Sources of Errors in the Simulation of South Asian Summer Monsoon in the CMIP5 GCMs RGMA Journal Article Ashfaq, Moetasim Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Bit Grooming: Statistically accurate precision-preserving quantization with compression, evaluated in the netCDF Operators (NCO, v4.4.8+) ESMD Journal Article Zender, Charles University of California
Heat Budget Analysis of Northern Hemisphere High-Latitude Spring Onset Events RGMA Journal Article He, Jia Georgia Institute of Technology - School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Insights from a Refined Decomposition of Cloud Feedbacks RGMA Journal Article Zelinka, Mark Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Biogeochemical Modeling of CO2 and CH4 Production in Anoxic Arctic Soil Microcosms ESMD Journal Article Tang, Guoping Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
The Role of Climate Covariability on Crop Yields in the Conterminous United States MSD Journal Article Leng, Guoyong Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) Contribution to CMIP6: Rationale and experimental design RGMA Journal Article
Quantification of the Errors Associated with the Representation of Surface Emissivity in the RRTMG_LW ESMD Journal Article Cheng, Hongze University of Michigan Ann Arbor - Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
Uncertainties in Projecting Future Changes in Atmospheric Rivers and Their Impacts on Heavy Precipitation over Europe RGMA Journal Article Gao, Yang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) - Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division
Effects of a Warming Climate on Daily Snowfall Events in the Northern Hemisphere RGMA Journal Article Danco, James F University of Oklahoma Norman
Using GRACE and Climate Model Simulations to Predict Mass Loss of Alaskan Glaciers through 2100 RGMA Journal Article
Climate Feedback Variance and the Interaction of Aerosol Forcing and Feedbackx RGMA Journal Article
Land Surface Climate in the Regional Arctic System Model RGMA Journal Article Hamman, Joseph University of Washington
High-Resolution Coupling and Initialization to Improve Predictability and Predictions in Climate Models RGMA Workshop Report Joseph, Renu U.S. Department of Energy
Contribution of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation to Twentieth-Century Global Surface Temperature Trends RGMA Journal Article
Constraining the Low-Cloud Optical Depth Feedback at Middle and High Latitudes using Satellite Observations RGMA Journal Article Terai, Christopher Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Informing Climate Models with Rapid Chamber Measurements of Forest Carbon Uptake ESMD Journal Article Metcalfe, Daniel B Lund University
Select Strengths and Biases of Models in Representing the Arctic Winter Boundary Layer: The Larcform 1 single column model intercomparison RGMA Journal Article
Prolonged El Niño conditions in 2014–2015 and the rapid intensification of Hurricane Patricia in the eastern Pacific RGMA Journal Article Foltz, Gregory NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
Global and Regional Evaluation of Energy for Water MSD Journal Article Liu, Yaling Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Uncertainty and feasibility of dynamical downscaling for modeling tropical cyclones for storm surge simulation MSD Journal Article Yang, Zhaoqing Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Revisiting the climate impacts of cool roofs around the globe using an Earth system model ESMD Journal Article Zhang, Jiachen University of Southern California
OCEANFILMS-2: Representing co-adsorption of saccharides in marine films improves agreement of modelled and observed marine aerosol chemistry RGMA Journal Article Burrows, Susannah Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Multi-Scale Economic Methodologies and Scenarios Workshop MSD Technical Report Kyle, Jessica ICF International
Tropical Cyclone Activity under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 Compared to the Present RGMA Journal Article Bacmeister, J T
Downscaling Land Use and Land Cover from the Global Change Assessment Model for Coupling with Earth System Models MSD Journal Article Le Page, Yannick Universidade de Lisboa - Department Tapada da Ajuda
Ocean Acidification Over the Next Three Centuries Using a Simple Global Climate Carbon-Cycle Model: Projections and Sensitivities MSD Journal Article Hartin, Corinne Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Warm Season Dry Spells in the Central and Eastern United States: Diverging Skill in Climate Model Representation RGMA Journal Article Zhao, Siyu Georgia Institute of Technology - School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Climate Impacts of Geoengineering in a Delayed Mitigation Scenario RGMA Journal Article
Improving Budyko Curve-based Estimates of Long-Term Water Partitioning using Hydrologic Signatures from GRACE ESMD Journal Article Fang, Kuai Pennsylvania State University

Showing 1741 - 1770 of 2113