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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Seasonally and Regionally Dependent Shifts of the Atmospheric Westerly Jets under Global Warming RGMA Journal Article Zhou, Wenyu Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Uncertainty analysis in multi-sector systems: Considerations for risk analysis, projection, and planning for complex systems MSD Journal Article Srikrishnan, Vivek Cornell University
Exploring ENSO-Induced Anomalies over North America in Historical and Future Climate Simulations That Use HadGEM2-ESM Output to Drive WRF RGMA MSD Journal Article Shepherd, Tristan J. Cornell University
Numerical Errors in Ice Microphysics Parameterizations and their Effects on Simulated Regional Climate RGMA Journal Article Kim, Ki-Byung Kyungpook National University - South Korea
Neutral Mode Dominates the Forced Global and Regional Surface Temperature Response in the Past and Future RGMA Journal Article Liu, Fukai Ocean University of China - China
Impacts, processes and projections of the quasi-biennial oscillation RGMA Journal Article Anstey, James A. Environment and Climate Change Canada
Greenhouse-gas forced changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and related worldwide sea-level change RGMA Journal Article Couldrey, Matthew P. University of Reading - UK
Contrasting Responses of Hailstorms to Anthropogenic Climate Change in Different Synoptic Weather Systems RGMA Journal Article Fan, Jiwen Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Modeled Streamflow Response to Scenarios of Tundra Lake Water Withdrawal and Seasonal Climate Extremes, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska RGMA Journal Article Gädeke, Anne University of Alaska Fairbanks
Development of Land‐River Two‐Way Hydrologic Coupling for Floodplain Inundation in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model ESMD Journal Article Xu, Donghui Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Climate Dynamics Preceding Summer Forest Fires in California and the Extreme Case of 2018 RGMA Journal Article Jacobson, Tess W. P. Columbia University
Earth and Planetary Surface Processes Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science RGMA Journal Article Burberry, C. M. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Changing Trends in Drought Patterns Over the Northeastern U.S. Using Multiple Large Ensemble Datasets RGMA Journal Article Xue, Zeyu University of California Davis (UC Davis)
Width‐Based Discharge Partitioning in Distributary Networks: How Right We Are RGMA Journal Article Hariharan, Jayaram University of Texas at Austin
Evaluating Hydrologic Sensitivity in CMIP6 Models: Anthropogenic Forcing Versus ENSO RGMA Journal Article Norris, Jesse University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Spatial heterogeneity effects on land surface modeling of water and energy partitioning RGMA Journal Article Li, Lingcheng Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mixing driven by critical reflection of near-inertial waves over the Texas-Louisiana shelf ESMD RGMA Journal Article Qu, Lixin Stanford University
Comparison of Climate Model Large Ensembles With Observations in the Arctic Using Simple Neural Networks RGMA Journal Article Labe, Zachary M. Colorado State University
C3F: Collaborative Container-Based Model Coupling Framework MSD Journal Article Woo, Jungha Purdue University
Benchmarking Simulated Precipitation Variability Amplitude across Timescales RGMA Journal Article Ahn, Min-Seop Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) - Program for Climate Model Diagnosis & Intercomparison (PCMDI)
Benchmarking Simulated Precipitation Variability Amplitude across Timescales RGMA Journal Article Ahn, Min-Seop Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Tropical Oceanic Influences on Observed Global Tropical Cyclone Frequency RGMA Journal Article Patricola, Christina M. Iowa State University
Typological representation of the offshore oceanographic environment along the Alaskan North Slope RGMA Journal Article Eymold, William K. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
A theory for the response of tropical moist convection to mechanical orographic forcing RGMA Journal Article Boos, William R. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Urban land teleconnections in the United States: A graphical network approach MSD Journal Article McManamay, Ryan A. Baylor University
Using a surrogate-assisted Bayesian framework to calibrate the runoff-generation scheme in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) v1 ESMD Journal Article Xu, Donghui Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Blocking Simulations in GFDL GCMs for CMIP5 and CMIP6 RGMA Journal Article Reed, Kevin Stony Brook University
A multisectoral dynamic model for energy, economic and climate scenario analysis MSD Journal Article Chen, Y.-H. Henry Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Climate-aware decision-making: lessons for electric grid infrastructure planning and operations RGMA MSD Journal Article Brockway, Anna M University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
Declining tropical cyclone frequency under global warming RGMA Journal Article Chand, Savin S. Federation University - Australia

Showing 451 - 480 of 2096