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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Mesoscale Eddy Effects on the Subduction of North Pacific Mode Waters ESMD Journal Article Xu, Lixiao Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
The AeroCom Evaluation and Intercomparison of Organic Aerosol in Global Models ESMD Journal Article Tsigaridis, K
Cyclone-Cyclone Interactions through the Ocean Pathway RGMA MSD Journal Article Balguru, Karthik Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Modelling of Long-Range Transport of Southeast Asia Biomass-Burning Aerosols to Taiwan and their Radiative Forcings over East Asia RGMA Journal Article Lin, Chuan-Yao Academia Sinica
Quantifying Underestimates of Long-Term Upper-Ocean Warming RGMA Journal Article Durack, Paul J. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Different contact angle distributions for heterogeneous ice nucleation in the Community Atmospheric Model version 5 ESMD Journal Article Wang, Yong University of Wyoming
Advection, Moistening, and Shallow-to-deep Convection Transitions During the Initiation and Propagation of Madden-Julian Oscillation RGMA Journal Article Hagos , Samson Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Modeling the winter-spring transition of first-year ice in the western Weddell Sea ESMD Journal Article Jeffery, Nicole Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Assessing A Dry Surface Layer-based Soil Resistance Parameterization for the Community Land Model using GRACE and FLUXNET-MTE Data RGMA Journal Article Swenson, S
Climate Model Simulations of the Observed Early-2000s Hiatus of Global Warming ESMD RGMA RGMA MSD Journal Article Meehl, G A National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Integrating Cloud Processes in the Community Atmosphere Model, Version 5 RGMA Journal Article Park, Sungsu National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Ice nucleation by Fungal Spores from the Classes Agaricomycetes, Ustilagnimycetes, and Eurotiomycetes, and the Effect on the Atmospheric Transport of these Spores ESMD Journal Article Haga, D I University of British Columbia
Diagnosing the Average Spatio-Temporal Impact of Convective Systems - Part 2: A model intercomparison using satellite data RGMA Journal Article Johnston, M S Chalmers University of Technology
Oecologia RGMA Journal Article Babst, F University of Arizona
Integrated Assessment of Global Water Scarcity Over the 21st Century Under Multiple Climate Change Mitigation Policies ESMD MSD Journal Article Hejazi, M I Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) Project Strategy and Initial Implementation Plan ESMD Technical Report Bader, David Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
An Evaluation of Experimental Decadal Predictions Using CCSM4 RGMA Journal Article Karspeck, A
The Water-Energy Nexus: Challenges and Opportunities ESMD RGMA MSD Technical Report Bauer, Diana Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis
How Well are the Distribution and Extreme Values of Daily Precipitation over North America Represented in the Community Climate System Model? A Comparison to Reanalysis, Satellite, and Gridded Station Data RGMA Journal Article Gervais, M
Individual Feedback Contributions to the Seasonality of Surface Warming RGMA Journal Article Sejas, S A
Getting Caught with Our Plants Down: The risks of a global crop yield slowdown from climate trends in the next two decades RGMA Journal Article Lobell, D B
A Comparative Analysis of the Impacts of Climate Change and Irrigation on Land Surface and Subsurface Hydrology in the North China Plain RGMA Journal Article Leng, Guoyong Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Are channels standalone? Analysis of channel-land interactions using PAWS+CLM ESMD Conference Abstract or Presentation Shen, Chaopeng Pennsylvania State University
An assessment of global and regional sea level for years 1993–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations RGMA Journal Article Griffies, Stephen M. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)
Near-term Climate Change: Projections and Predictability RGMA Book Chapter Kirtman, S B
Low-Cloud Optical Depth Feedback in Climate Models RGMA Journal Article Gordon, Neil D
Investigating soil moisture spatial scaling using Reduced Order Models and analysis of fractal temporal evolution patterns Conference Abstract or Presentation Shen, Chaopeng Pennsylvania State University
How Does the Redi Parameter for Mesoscale Mixing Impact Global Climate in an Earth System Model? RGMA Journal Article Pradal, Marie-Aude Johns Hopkins University
Using Aquaplanets to Understand the Robust Responses of Comprehensive Climate Models to Forcing RGMA Journal Article Medeiros, Brian National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Economic and Physical Modeling of Land Use in GCAM 3.0 and an Application to Agricultural Productivity, Land and Terrestrial Carbon MSD Journal Article Wise, Marshall Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

Showing 2011 - 2040 of 2096