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Global Mesoscale Convective System Latent Heating Characteristics from GPM and IMERG Retrievals RGMA Presentation
Quantifying Changes in Extreme Precipitation Associated with Future Tropical Cyclones RGMA Presentation
Quantifying the Drivers and Predictability of Seasonal Changes in African Fire RGMA Presentation
Madden-Julian Oscillation in E3SMv1 RGMA Presentation
Summer Extreme Precipitation Over the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Region and Contributions from Different Precipitation Types RGMA Presentation
Biophysical Climate Impacts of Deforestation Accelerate Tropical Vegetation Carbon Loss RGMA Presentation
Amplified Madden–Julian Oscillation Impacts in the Pacific–North America Region in a Warmer Climate RGMA Presentation
Landfalling Tropical Cyclones and Their Coastal Impacts RGMA Presentation
Non-Growing Season Plant Nutrient Uptake Controls Arctic Tundra RGMA Presentation
Introduction and Charge RGMA
Convection and Surface-Atmosphere Interactions Breakout RGMA Presentation
Breakout Introduction and Overview RGMA Presentation
Whitepaper overview RGMA Presentation
Whitepaper overview RGMA Presentation
A Whitepaper Synthesizing Current and Future Earth System Science Research RGMA Presentation
Modeling Arctic Storms and Impacts on Diminishing Sea Ice RGMA Presentation
ICOM - Integrated Coastal Modeling ESMD RGMA Presentation
Evaluating the Influence of Plants on Hydrologic Cycling (Tree2H2O) RGMA Presentation
RUBISCO - Reducing Uncertainties in Biogeochemical RGMA Presentation
Monsoon Extremes: Impacts, Metrics, and Synoptic-Scale ESMD Presentation
Overview of the Water Cycle and Climate Extremes Modeling (WACCEM) SFA RGMA Presentation
Cristiana Stan, IPA for Earth and Environmental System Modeling RGMA Agenda
Renu Joseph, Program Manager for Regional and Global Model Analysis RGMA Presentation
Welcome RGMA
Extreme floods in Peru during early 2017 RGMA MSD
Using optimization to better understand leaf-to-whole plant acclimation RGMA
An Analytical Framework for Water-Electricity Resilience Planning in the U.S. (Invited) MSD
Examining optimal photosynthetic profiles within vegetation canopies RGMA
Grid stress due to extreme heat wave and drought with 45% renewable electricity in the Western US
Could the Large-Scale Circulation Affect Extreme Rainfall? Comparison of Models with Parameterized Convection, Superparameterization and Cloud-Resolved Self-Aggregation RGMA

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