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Enhancing Numerical Accuracy and Physical Realism in Process Coupling for Complex High-Resolution Simulations ESMD
Multi-resolution coupling for simulating extreme coastal water levels and flooding in E3SM ESMD
Overview of the lower-resolution configuration of E3SMv3 ESMD
EAMv3 New Developments in Interactive Chemistry, Stratospheric Aerosols, and a Novel Application ESMD
Is sea surface salinity the missing subseasonal predictor for U.S. summertime precipitation? RGMA
Uncertainty exploration with GCAM MSD
Integrated fluvial-pluvial-coastal flood modeling in coastal urban regions ESMD RGMA MSD
Identifying and Correcting Regional Climate Bias in Reanalysis Forcing Products for Site-level WrPMIP Simulations RGMA
Why does SCREAM exhibit an L-shaped Relative Humidity profile in the tropics? ESMD
CMIP7 the next phase: ongoing status and planning RGMA
Implementation of subgrid approaches accounting for unresolved topography in MPAS-Ocean ESMD
The Indian Ocean-Maritime Continent Regionally Refined SCREAM Configuration for MJO studies RGMA
Testing the conditional skill of a hydro-economics model system for food, land, and water sustainability research MSD
Advancing Earth System Modeling using AI/ML RGMA
Improving the Simulation of Tropical Precipitation in E3SMv3 through Enhancement of Convection Parameterization ESMD
Observational assessments of low-likelihood, high-impact heatwaves in the historical record RGMA
Use of machine learning to investigate soil carbon storage and dynamics RGMA
Exploring the Spatially Compounding Multi-sectoral Drought Vulnerabilities in Colorado's West Slope River Basins MSD
Importance of Local Processes and Feedbacks in Modeling a Changing Arctic Climate System RGMA
Moisture transport into the Arctic revealed by numerical water tracers in E3SMv2 RGMA
Introduction to the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model ESMD
Exploring the Role of Future Reservoir Storage Expansion on the Evolution of Multi-Sector Systems Globally MSD
Reducing Uncertainty in Estimates of the Biological Production of the Arctic Ocean RGMA
GEWEX and GPEX Perspectives on EESM Activities ESMD
Accelerating modeling and discovery with data science and machine learning in Arctic environments ESMD RGMA
Understanding the role of urban morphology, anthropogenic heating, vegetation, and irrigation in urban microclimate dynamics to inform adaptation to climate change in urban areas MSD
Ice melt from ocean warming in a global ultra-high resolution ocean/sea-ice model. RGMA
Earth system models in a community and regional planning and decision support context: Perspectives from Arctic Alaska ESMD RGMA MSD
Photosynthesis responses to intrinsic water use efficiency depend on atmospheric feedbacks and modify the magnitude of response to elevated CO2 RGMA

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