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Title Date
Evaluating the Effects of Heatwave Events on Hydrological Processes in the Contiguous United States (2003-2022) RGMA -
Harnessing hybrid modeling for enhanced greenhouse gas monitoring and predictions in agroecosystems RGMA -
Interactions Between Radiation and Baroclinic Eddies RGMA -
Rethinking the Role of Wildfire in the Climate System RGMA -
Reduced-Dimensional Neural Network Surrogate Construction and Calibration of the E3SM Land Model ESMD -
Investigating the Role of Cloud-Radiative Feedbacks in Wintertime Blocking over the Euro-Atlantic Sector RGMA -
Impacts of Large-Scale Urbanization and Irrigation on Summer Storms and Heat Stress RGMA -
Climate Change Impact Assessment on Water Resources and Agriculture – A Global to Regional Perspective with Insights from Africa and California. RGMA MSD -
Cloud radiative feedback dampens the memory and predictability of the propogationg Southern Annular Mode RGMA -
Observational constraints on aerosol distributions and impacts ESMD -
Cloud radiative feedback dampens the memory and predictability of the propogationg Southern Annular Mode RGMA -
Impossible temperatures are not as rare as you thought RGMA -
Using Granger causal inference to separate the influence of sulfate aerosols and greenhouse gasses on mean and extreme precipitation in the <em>conterminous</em> United States (CONUS) RGMA -
Convectively Coupled Mountain Waves and the Sensitivity of Orographic Precipitation to Warming RGMA -
Scenario forcings for CMIP7 MSD -
Storyline-based investigations of compound extreme events with an regionally refined Earth system model: a case study of the 1997 California New Year's flood event RGMA MSD -
National N2O emissions (1980-2020) derived from multiple sources of data: magnitudes, trends and drivers RGMA -
Sensitivity of the pseudo-global warming method under flood conditions. RGMA MSD -
Global 1km Land Surface Parameters for Kilometer-Scale Earth System Modeling RGMA -
The Importance of Deep Convection and Cloud Microphysics for Cloud Feedback RGMA -
Cloud Feedbacks in Year-long Cess Simulations with the Global 3-km SCREAM ESMD -
Physical Insights from the Multidecadal Prediction of North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Variability Using Explainable Neural Networks RGMA -
Evaluating Efficient Experimental Designs for Estimating Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity in CESM. RGMA -
The relative role of ocean heat uptake efficiency and feedback parameter in modulating the rate of global warming RGMA -
Response of the surface climate to anthropogenic forcing in two coupled models RGMA -
Green with phenology: earlier spring green-up in warmer and brighter cities RGMA -
Future precipitation characteristic change and mechanisms over the Great Lakes Region through the Pseudo-global warming approach RGMA -
29) Linking Climate Change and Human Systems: A Case Study of Arctic Pipelines MSD Poster -
05) Rising Subsurface Water Storage in North American Arctic and Subarctic River Basins Inferred From Baseflow Recession RGMA Poster -
13) Mesh-independent River Modeling in the Sagavanirktok River Basin ESMD Poster -

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