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ACME All-Hands ESMD Presentation
ASR Overview for ACME ESMD Presentation
RGCM and Potential Interactions with the ACME Community ESMD Presentation
IA Overview ESMD Presentation
2017 ACME PI Meeting Agenda ESMD Agenda
High-Resolution, Antarctic Ice Sheet Simulations forced by Submarine Melting Simulated by the Accelerated Climate Model ESMD
Why Do Climate Models Drizzle Too Much and What Impact Does This Have ESMD
Use of Composable Solvers to Represent Multiphysics Hydrologic and Thermal Processes in the ACME Land Model ESMD
Seismicity Distribution and Focal Mechanisms of Gorkha Earthquake and its Aftershock ESMD
Subgrid-scale Parameterization for Modeling Groundwater Lateral Flow at Earth-System-Relevant Scales ESMD
Biomass Burning Aerosol Vertical Distribution Over the South African-Atlantic Region: Perspectives from Multi-Models and CALIOP ESMD
A Global Data Analysis of Sediment and Organic Carbon Loadings to Rivers at Catchment Scale ESMD
Non-Stationarity of Climate Extremes: Natural variability and Anthropogenic forcings ESMD
Self-Aggregation of convection, cyclogenesis and climate change ESMD
Towards a parameterization of aerosol sub-grid variability for global climate models ESMD
Making Connections to Translate Climate Research into Effective Action ESMD
Ultra-Parameterized CAM: Progress Towards Low-Cloud Permitting Superparameterization ESMD
Development of A Tropical Ecological Forecasting Strategy for ENSO Based on the ACME Modeling Framework ESMD RGMA
Utilization of Data and Modeling at Multiple Scales to Compare Varying Formulations of the Soil Resistance Term Affecting ESMD
Using ARM observations to identify deficiencies in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) simulations of marine boundary ESMD
Bridging Scales with a High-Order Adaptive Mesh Refinement Dynamical Core ESMD
Efficiency and Flexibility using Implicit Methods within Atmosphere Dycores ESMD
Damping of Gravity Waves by Radiation to the Stratosphere ESMD
Radiative Forcing from Emissivity Response in Polar Regions ESMD
Incorporating Realistic Surface Longwave Spectral Emissivity in the CESM and the Impact on Simulated Current Climate and Climate ESMD
The Impacts of Light Scattering by Clouds on Longwave Radiative Transfer ESMD
Weighted Iterative Bayesian Compressive Sensing (WIBCS) for High Dimensional Polynomial Surrogate Construction ESMD
Full-Flow-Regime Storage-Streamflow Correlation Patterns with GRACE and Machine Learning ESMD
How Can Polarization States of Reflected Light from Snow Surfaces Inform Us on Surface Normals and Ultimately Snow Grain Size ESMD
Vertical Overlap of Probability Density Functions of Cloud and Precipitation Hydrometeors ESMD

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