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Title Contact Institution Date
Tropical Cyclone Wind Shear-Relative Asymmetry in Reanalyses RGMA MSD Colin Zarzycki Pennsylvania State University
Uncertainty-Informed Selection of CMIP6 Earth System Models for Use in Multisectoral and Impact Models MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Water Management's Impact on Drought Dynamics in Texas Rivers MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Trade Can Buffer Climate-Induced Risks and Volatilities in Crop Supply MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
Impacts of Water-Related Building Moratoria on California's Housing Crisis MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
Mapping the Impact of Freeze Events on Aspen Health with Satellite Data MSD Yoshimitsu Chikamoto ( Utah State University - Department of Plants, Soils and Climate
Inequalities in Global Residential Cooling Energy Use to 2050 MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
How the last 40 years of US tropical cyclones may change under future climates RGMA MSD Colin Zarzycki Penn State University
Discovering Drought Scenarios for Future Water Planning in Colorado MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Innovative Frameworks for Future-Proof Energy Capacity Planning MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Generalizability of Heat-Related Health Risk Associations Observed in a Large Healthcare Claims Database of Patients with Commercial Health Insurance MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
How will the Flood Drivers of Rain-on-Snow Events Change Through the 21st Century? RGMA MSD Alan Rhoades Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Estuarine Hurricane Wind Can Amplify Flood Hazard in Converging Coastal Systems MSD David Judi Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Simulating Building Heat Emissions in Los Angeles County MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Major Updates to Hector, a Simple Climate Model MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Harmonized Database of Western U.S. Water Rights (HarDWR) MSD John Weyant Stanford University
Enhancing Urban Climate Models with NATURF's High-Resolution Data MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
How Could Future Climate Reshape a Devastating Lake-Effect Snow Storm? ESMD RGMA MSD Rob Hetland Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Texas Grid Faces New Challenges with Heat Pump Adoption MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Non-Linear Relationships Between Daily Temperature Extremes and Agricultural Yields Uncovered by Global Gridded Meteorological Datasets MSD John Weyant Stanford University
Drought's Impact on Texas' Colorado Basin: A Multisectoral Study MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Refining Future Water Demand Projections with Sector-Specific Downscaling MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Global Projections of Heat Exposure of Older Adults MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Penn State University
Urban feedbacks to deep convection RGMA MSD Professor Sara C Pryor Cornell University
A Consistent Dataset of Net Income Distribution for 190 Countries from 1958 to 2015 MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Generating Novel Climate Scenarios with the STITCHES Python Package MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Object-Oriented Analysis Yields Compounding Short-Term Drought and Crop Heat-Stress Events RGMA MSD William J. Gutowski, Jr. Iowa State University
Navigating Uncertainty in Climate Futures: Using New Matilda R Package to Explore Uncertainty in Climate Projections MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
What Drives Uncertainty Surrounding Riverine Flood Risks? MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden The Pennsylvania State University
Multisector Scenarios of the Future of Human Well-Being MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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