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Project: Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
  • E3SM Tutorial at NERSC

    • Publication Date
      6 June 2024
    The inaugural in-person tutorial workshop of the E3SM project took place at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), at...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • OMEGA – Future E3SM Ocean Model

    • Publication Date
      4 June 2024
    Through the Exascale Computing Project ( ECP), significant work was invested in porting the Model for Prediction Across Scales-Ocean ( MPAS-Ocean) to...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • E3SM: A Decade of Progress in Numbers

    • Publication Date
      3 June 2024
    To celebrate E3SM’s decade of progress, we look at E3SM in numbers, one way to capture some of the team’s achievements over the last ten years...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • Report on Digital Twins

    • Publication Date
      18 March 2024
    The highly anticipated report from a series of Workshops on Digital Twins was recently published and is available to everyone. The workshops were...
  • Recent E3SM Meetings and Workshops

    • Publication Date
      17 March 2024
    Learn about recent meetings and workshops in which E3SM teams have recently participated. Research Software Engineer Conference The 1st Annual...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • Water Cycle in E3SMv1 High Resolution Model

    • Publication Date
      15 March 2024
    Key Points The water cycle slows down (decreased fluxes) when grid spacing has a four times refinement High Resolution (HR) generally improves...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • E3SM at AGU and AMS

    • Publication Date
      14 March 2024
    The 2023 American Geophysical Union ( AGU ) Fall Meeting and 2024 American Meteorological Society ( AMS ) Annual Meeting were big successes in regards...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • Meet the Gordon Bell Prize Winning Team

    • Publication Date
      13 March 2024
    The E3SM project recently completed the development of SCREAM, the Simple Cloud Resolving E3SM Atmosphere model. This is the E3SM’s first performance...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • E3SM: A Decade of Progress

    • Publication Date
      12 March 2024
    The Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) project began with a 10-year vision in mind: modeling the climate on exascale machines. That bold...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • E3SM Unveils Overview Video

    • Publication Date
      6 December 2023
    The E3SM Project is happy to present a new overview video about the E3SM project that features the E3SM Project Principal Investigator Dave Bader of...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • Polaris Hackathon Retrospective

    • Publication Date
      25 September 2023
    In May, Los Alamos National Laboratory hosted a hackathon on Polaris, a new software for both regression testing of E3SM ocean and sea-ice components...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • 2023 E3SM Outstanding Contribution Awards

    • Publication Date
      11 September 2023
    Every year E3SM recognizes team members who make exceptional contributions to the critical but less visible aspects of E3SM model development...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • 2023 E3SM All-Hands Meeting

    • Publication Date
      8 September 2023
    After three years of not meeting in person, the E3SM team was overjoyed to meet in June of 2023 in Denver, CO, for the annual All-Hands Meeting. This...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • Check out Regular E3SM All-Hands Webinars

    • Publication Date
      13 June 2023
    The E3SM project's all-hands webinars run on a regular schedule every other week on Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. Pacific time. The next webinar will be on...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • E3SM at AGU 2022

    • Publication Date
      6 December 2022
    The American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting is one of the most influential events in the world dedicated to the advancement of Earth and space...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • New zppy Features

    • Publication Date
      16 September 2022
    zppy (pronounced “zip-ee”), a post-processing toolchain for E3SM written in Python has had a number of improvements since we introduced it last year...
    • Funding Program Area(s)
  • Frontier Supercomputer Breaks Exascale Barrier

    • Publication Date
      12 September 2022
    The world’s first and fastest supercomputer, Frontier, built by HPE for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), has...
    • Funding Program Area(s)

Showing 1 - 30 of 65