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Modeling carbon storage and water use efficiency in a California agro-ecosystem RGMA
A machine learning approach to quantify land model parameter uncertainty RGMA
Opposite phase changes of precipitation annual cycle over land and ocean under global warming RGMA
A Framework to Delineate Precipitation-Runoff Regimes: Precipitation vs. Snowpack in the Western U.S. RGMA MSD
Forcing, Feedbacks, and Climate Sensitivity in CMIP6 RGMA
Evaluating model uncertainties in daily to seasonal carbon, water and energy cycling across a latitudinal transect using a combination of ensemble analysis and benchmarking RGMA
Terrestrial biogeochemical feedbacks to a geoengineered climate RGMA
The Importance of Uncertainty in the Detection of Weather Events: Probabilistic Detection of Atmospheric Rivers
Feature Tracking in TempestExtremes: Automated Detection and Characterization of Extreme Weather
Metrics for appraising tropical cyclones in climate data
The boon and bane of natural water storage in mountains MSD
The Future of Snow: High Resolution Snow Projections for the Continental United States Under Lower and Higher Climate Forcing RGMA MSD
Predicting daily streamflow with a dilated convolutional neural network. RGMA MSD
Mechanisms for a sharpened seasonal cycle over California under global warming
Emulating Numeric Hydroclimate Models with Physics-Informed cGANs RGMA MSD
A substantial role of soil erosion in the land carbon sink and its future changes ESMD
Empirical irrigated and rainfed crop responses to temperature and precipitation in U.S. counties. MSD
Evaluation of global maximum carboxylation rate of leaves using remotely sensed leaf chlorophyll content RGMA
Ensuring Co-Sustainability of Food Production and Environmental Quality in the U.S. Midwest Agroecosystems (Invited) RGMA
Simulating surface energy-water-carbon fluxes and crop yield using Ecosys model over agroecosystem in the U.S. Corn Belt RGMA
Improving ecosystem model by optimizing parameters derived from global flux towers: an example of SWH model RGMA
The Unusual Impact of the 1997 El Niño on East Australian Spring Rainfall RGMA
Evaluation of dust emission and transport simulated by global climate models with satellite observations from CALIOP, MODIS, and MISR ESMD
Enhancing Skill of Initialized Decadal Predictions using a Dynamic Model of Drift RGMA
How to better define the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation and its spatial pattern? RGMA
Indian Ocean Warming Trend Reduces Pacific Warming Response to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases: An Interbasin Thermostat Mechanism RGMA
New Insights into Natural and Anthropogenic Forcing of Global/Regional Climate Evolution RGMA
Classifying the Complexity of Coupled Energy-Water-Land Systems in the United States MSD
Implication of lowering fertilizer usage on energy, agriculture, and land systems MSD

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