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Evaluation of Vegetation Biomass in CMIP5 Models over the Northern High-Latitudes RGMA -
Evaluating CMIP5 Models' Representation of Oceanic Drivers of North African Climate RGMA -
Implementation Ambiguity: The fifth element long lost in uncertainty budgets for land biogeochemical modeling RGMA
The Global Turnover Time Distribution of Soil Carbon Derived from a Meta-analysis of Radiocarbon Profiles RGMA
The Relevance of Detection and Attribution for Loss and Damage Policy RGMA
Quantifying the Effect of Parameter Uncertainties on the Simulation of Drought in the Community Atmosphere Model ESMD RGMA -
Atmospheric Rivers in the Mid-Latitudes: A modeling study for current and future climates RGMA
The Dynamical Signature on the Change of Hydrological Extremes Under Global Warming RGMA
Local Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity as an Objective Diagnostic of Midlatitude Extreme Weather RGMA
Indirect Effects of Climate Change on Heat Waves in the Great Plains RGMA -
The Alaska Land Carbon Assessment: Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of Alaska RGMA -
The loss of late successional species has a disproportionate impact on terrestrial carbon storage in North America RGMA
The CESM Workflow Re-Engineering Project RGMA
How Will Shrub Expansion Impact Soil Carbon Sequestration in Arctic Tundra? RGMA
Comparing Different Model Structures for Carbon Allocation in the Community Land Model (CLM) RGMA -
Effects of Cloud Superparameterization at the Land-Atmosphere Interface ESMD RGMA Poster -
Salt Feedbacks, Multiple Regimes and Low-Frequency Variability in the Adiabatic Overturning Circulation RGMA Presentation, Presentation
Sea Ice Coupling in the Regional Arctic System Model and CESM RGMA Poster
Seasonal and Inter-Annual Variability in Wetland Methane Emissions Simulated by CLM4Me and CAM-Chem and Comparisons to Observations RGMA Poster
Resolution and Dycore Dependence of the Atmospheric River Statistics in Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) RGMA Poster
Resolution Dependence of Future Tropical Cyclone Projections of CAM5.1 in the US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group Idealized Configurations RGMA Poster
Probability of U.S. Heat Waves Affected by a Subseasonal Planetary Wave Pattern RGMA Poster
Progress on Understanding Cloud-Radiation Interactions RGMA Poster
Progresses in Understanding ENSO in Climate Models and Observation RGMA
Radiative and Dynamical forcing of El Nino-Related Global Temperature Anomalies in the Observations and in CMIP5 Models RGMA Poster
Pacific Decadal Variability in CCSM3 RGMA Poster
The Influence of Tropical Air-Sea Interaction on the Climate Impact of Aerosols: A Hierarchical Modeling Approach RGMA
The Robust Dynamical Contribution to Precipitation Extremes in Idealized Warming Simulations across Model Resolutions RGMA Presentation
The Role of the Arctic Permafrost and Biogeochemistry in the Global Climate System RGMA Presentation
The Strength of the Tropical Inversion and its Response to Climate Change in 18 CMIP5 Models RGMA Poster

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