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Title Date
State of Metrics and Benchmarking RGMA Presentation -
Toward Efficient Coupled Earth System Model Initialization for E3SM Version 3 ESMD Presentation -
From Data to Decisions: Machine Learning for Water Allocation Amid Hydrologic Extremes MSD Presentation -
Reducing biases in the simulated historical temperature record through calibration of aerosol and cloud processes: Improvements to the aerosol forcing in E3SMv3 ESMD Presentation -
Why are Aerosol-Cloud Interactions and Cloud Feedback Anti-Correlated in Earth System Models? RGMA Presentation -
E3SM v2 biases in the Atlantic climate mean state, variability, and change RGMA Presentation -
Global co-occurring features and their contributions to total and extreme precipitation RGMA Poster -
Sea-ice biases and simulation fidelity across multiple CMIP phases RGMA Poster -
Updates on E3SM Diags: A Python Package for Earth System Model Evaluation ESMD Poster -
Using E3SM to understand bio-geo-chemical dynamics in high latitude marine ecosystems and deriving model products relevant to Arctic Stakeholders. RGMA Poster -
Quantifying uncertainty in projections of sea-level contribution from the Antarctic Ice Sheet ESMD Presentation -
Modeling the future prospects for Arctic shipping of fossil resources under global change MSD Poster -
Tropical thermocline helps power Pacific equatorial upwelling ESMD Presentation -
Understanding the robust strengthening of ENSO and more frequent extreme El Niño events under global warming RGMA Presentation -
Uncovering the Interannual Predictability of the 2003 European Summer Heatwave and its Connection to the Tibetan Plateau RGMA Presentation -
Trends and Climate Variability in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model and Other Large Ensembles RGMA Presentation -
Overview of E3SM Version 3 Coupled Historical Large Ensemble ESMD Presentation -
The Influence of Land-Surface Conditions on the 2020-21 Western US Drought RGMA Presentation -
GEWEX and GPEX Perspectives on EESM Activities ESMD Presentation -
Elevated Land Surface Heat Anomalies as Sources of U.S. Summer Hydroclimate Predictability: E3SMv2 Low-Level Jet and Precursor Event Sensitivities RGMA Presentation -
Simulation of ENSO teleconnections in a resolved scales hierarchy of earth system models ESMD Presentation -
How does crop production adapt with groundwater restrictions in the West? MSD Presentation -
EAMv3 New Developments in Interactive Chemistry, Stratospheric Aerosols, and a Novel Application ESMD Presentation -
Uncertainty exploration with GCAM MSD Presentation -
Subseasonal Predictability of North American Winter Weather Regimes RGMA Presentation -
Climate change impacts on emissions and land use scenarios MSD Presentation -
Missing QBO-MJO Connection in the QBOi Phase2 Climate Models with a Nudged Stratosphere RGMA Poster -
MJO Diversity in E3SMv2 RGMA Poster -
Exploring key processes underlying interactions between the Madden-Julian Oscillation and the Maritime Continent in an idealized GCM and the DOE’s SCREAM RGMA Presentation -
Enhancing Polar Modeling Capabilities in E3SM for Evaluating Arctic Marine Ecosystem Change ESMD RGMA Poster -

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