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UNSAFE: An UNcertain Structure And Fragility Ensemble framework for property-level flood risk estimation MSD
Genesis, characteristics, and trends of Atlantic tropical cyclones that do and do not develop from African easterly waves RGMA
Global land hotspots of clustered MCSs and their precipitation significance RGMA
Improving the representation of clouds and rain in Earth system models with a single liquid category microphysics scheme ESMD
Prediction of Extreme Precipitation Occurrence with Machine Learning: Insights from Multiple Reanalysis Data MSD
Modulation of Regional Carbon Uptake by AMOC and Alkalinity Changes in the Subpolar North Atlantic under a Warming Climate RGMA
No Response of Pacific Decadal Variability to Historical External Forcing RGMA
Arctic Atmospheric Rivers: Historical Trends and Impact on Wintertime Arctic Warm Extremes RGMA
Heatwaves drive net carbon losses across ecosystems RGMA
Diagnosing Mesoscale Convective Systems in DYAMOND Models: A Feature Tracking Intercomparison RGMA
Projected changes in inter-regional simultaneity of megafires in the Western US based on NA-CORDEX regional climate simulations RGMA
Recent update on the collective Earth System Model evaluation and benchmarking tool: PCMDI Metrics Package (PMP) RGMA
Climatological characteristics of derechos and their responses to global warming RGMA
Forced trends in the tropical Pacific and global tropical cyclones RGMA
Exploring climate change impacts on US hurricanes through storylines RGMA MSD
MOSART-DOC: a new large-scale riverine dissolved organic carbon model and its application over the United States ESMD
Land carbon sink uncertainty under climate change: Towards an emissions-driven coupled perturbed parameter mini-ensemble with CESM RGMA
Methodological Developments in the International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) Effort RGMA
The modeling of critical mineral demand and supply in energy system evolution MSD
Recommendations for Diagnosing Cloud Feedbacks Using Cloud Radiative Kernels RGMA
Windstorms in the U.S. Northeast RGMA MSD
Quantifying the compound hazard: Freezing rain-icing-wind gusts (FZG) RGMA MSD
Urban Impacts on Deep Convection RGMA MSD
Wind Energy Contributions to Net Zero RGMA MSD
How does crop production adapt with groundwater restrictions in the West? MSD
An Comprehensive Understanding of the Effects of Two Missing Longwave Physics on the Climate and Its Projected Changes Simulated by the E3SM v2 ESMD
Managing Water Supply- and Financial-Risk in the Colorado River Basin MSD
Scenario Discovery for Probabilistic Ensembles of a Coupled Human-Earth System Model MSD
Investigating the drivers of pan-Arctic water storage change with multi-source remote sensing data ESMD RGMA
Relationship between mid-latitude temperature distributions and meridional wind variability ESMD MSD

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