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Title Date
Radiative and Dynamical forcing of El Nino-Related Global Temperature Anomalies in the Observations and in CMIP5 Models RGMA Poster
Pacific Decadal Variability in CCSM3 RGMA Poster
Uncertainty Quantification of Regional Climate Change Based on Structural Uncertainty in Atmospheric GCMs Poster
The Influence of Tropical Air-Sea Interaction on the Climate Impact of Aerosols: A Hierarchical Modeling Approach RGMA
The Robust Dynamical Contribution to Precipitation Extremes in Idealized Warming Simulations across Model Resolutions RGMA Presentation
The Role of the Arctic Permafrost and Biogeochemistry in the Global Climate System RGMA Presentation
The Strength of the Tropical Inversion and its Response to Climate Change in 18 CMIP5 Models RGMA Poster
The Use of Fractional Accumulated Precipitation for the Evaluation of the Annual Cycle of Monsoons in CMIP5 Historical and RCP8.5 Simulations Poster
The Weather-Climate Nexus: Large-Scale Organization of Extreme Events RGMA Presentation
Synthesis of Long-Term Remote Sensing LAI for Applications in Land Surface and Earth System Models: Homogenization and Intercomparison RGMA Poster
TECA at 750,000 Cores: Lessons Learned from a Hero Run on Mira Poster
The Asian Summer Monsoon: An Intercomparison of CMIP5 vs. CMIP3 Simulations of the Late 20th Century Poster
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Modes of Variability and Climate Impacts RGMA Poster
The Atmospheric Response to Weak SST Fronts
The Impact of Methane Clathrate Emissions on the Earth System ESMD
Simulation of Arctic Climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to Atmospheric Processes RGMA Poster
Simulated and Observed Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Associated with Extreme Temperature Days over North America RGMA Presentation
Feedbacks Between Coupled Subglacial Hydrology and Glacier Dynamics RGMA Poster
Why Do CMIP5 Underestimate Variability and Change of the Dry Season Length Over Amazonia RGMA
Drivers of Wetter South Asian Summer Monsoon in the 21st Century RGMA Poster
Variable C:N:P Stoichiometry of Dissolved Organic Matter Cycling in the Community Earth System Model ESMD
Variability Change and Anthropogenic Signal Emergence in Greenland Surface Mass Balance RGMA
Dynamical Simulations in North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity using Observed Low Frequency SSTs Oscillation Imposed on CMIP5 Model SSTs RGMA Poster
Effects of the Bering Strait Closure on AMOC and Global Climate under Different Background Climates RGMA Poster, Poster
Development of the Unified Z-Grid Icosahedral Model (UZIM) at CSU Poster
Diagnostics of Interannual-to-Interdecadal Climate and Streamflow Variability: Applications to Reservoir Management over NW India Poster
Could the Early-2000s Hiatus of Global Warming have been Predicted in the 1990s?
The C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project Poster
Comparison Between Climate Projections with Parameterized and Super-Parameterized Convection RGMA Presentation, Presentation
Constraining the Community Land Model Using Biogeochemical Observations: Carbon Exchange on Multiple Timescales

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